Job Opportunities
At Mountain State School of Massage, we offer LIFETIME benefits exclusively for our graduates, including the following services:
- Job Placement Employment Opportunities: a regularly-updated listing of massage therapy job openings. Assistance available through administrative staff by appointment.
- News and Updates from MSSM Staff
- Certifications, Exams and Licensing Info to help you obtain/maintain your professional credentials
- Transcript and Other Requests Forms to make your ordering process of important documents convenient
- Community Outreach/Events: Providing Massage Therapy to the public throughout the year, MSSM provides seated chair massage and table massage to local businesses and organizations.
- Alumni/LMT Directory to help you stay in touch with classmates and other graduates.
Before you create an account, you must complete our online Post Graduate Survey.
Follow this link> Post Graduate Survey
Once your survey has been completed and reviewed by a member of our staff, you will receive a starter code allowing you to create an alumni account.